SeqKit -- a cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulation
Version: 0.12.0
Author: Wei Shen <>
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seqkit [command]
Available Commands:
amplicon retrieve amplicon (or specific region around it) via primer(s)
bam monitoring and online histograms of BAM record features
common find common sequences of multiple files by id/name/sequence
concat concatenate sequences with same ID from multiple files
convert convert FASTQ quality encoding between Sanger, Solexa and Illumina
duplicate duplicate sequences N times
faidx create FASTA index file and extract subsequence
fish look for short sequences in larger sequences using local alignment
fq2fa convert FASTQ to FASTA
fx2tab convert FASTA/Q to tabular format (with length/GC content/GC skew)
genautocomplete generate shell autocompletion script
grep search sequences by ID/name/sequence/sequence motifs, mismatch allowed
head print first N FASTA/Q records
help Help about any command
locate locate subsequences/motifs, mismatch allowed
mutate edit sequence (point mutation, insertion, deletion)
range print FASTA/Q records in a range (start:end)
rename rename duplicated IDs
replace replace name/sequence by regular expression
restart reset start position for circular genome
rmdup remove duplicated sequences by id/name/sequence
sample sample sequences by number or proportion
sana sanitize broken single line fastq files
seq transform sequences (revserse, complement, extract ID...)
shuffle shuffle sequences
sliding sliding sequences, circular genome supported
sort sort sequences by id/name/sequence/length
split split sequences into files by id/seq region/size/parts (mainly for FASTA)
split2 split sequences into files by size/parts (FASTA, PE/SE FASTQ)
stats simple statistics of FASTA/Q files
subseq get subsequences by region/gtf/bed, including flanking sequences
tab2fx convert tabular format to FASTA/Q format
translate translate DNA/RNA to protein sequence (supporting ambiguous bases)
version print version information and check for update
watch monitoring and online histograms of sequence features
--alphabet-guess-seq-length int length of sequence prefix of the first FASTA record based on which seqkit guesses the sequence type (0 for whole seq) (default 10000)
-h, --help help for seqkit
--id-ncbi FASTA head is NCBI-style, e.g. >gi|110645304|ref|NC_002516.2| Pseud...
--id-regexp string regular expression for parsing ID (default "^(\\S+)\\s?")
--infile-list string file of input files list (one file per line), if given, they are appended to files from cli arguments
-w, --line-width int line width when outputing FASTA format (0 for no wrap) (default 60)
-o, --out-file string out file ("-" for stdout, suffix .gz for gzipped out) (default "-")
--quiet be quiet and do not show extra information
-t, --seq-type string sequence type (dna|rna|protein|unlimit|auto) (for auto, it automatically detect by the first sequence) (default "auto")
-j, --threads int number of CPUs. (default value: 1 for single-CPU PC, 2 for others) (default 2)
Use "seqkit [command] --help" for more information about a command.
subcommand is required