

usage: humann [-h] [--version] [-v] [-r] [--bypass-prescreen]
              [--bypass-nucleotide-index] [--bypass-translated-search]
              [--bypass-nucleotide-search] -i <input.fastq> -o <output>
              [--nucleotide-database <nucleotide_database>]
              [--annotation-gene-index <3>]
              [--protein-database <protein_database>] [--evalue <1.0>]
              [--search-mode {uniref50,uniref90}] [--metaphlan <metaphlan>]
              [--metaphlan-options <metaphlan_options>]
              [--diamond-options <diamond_options>]
              [--bowtie-options <bowtie_options>] [--o-log <sample.log>]
              [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
              [--remove-temp-output] [--threads <1>]
              [--prescreen-threshold <0.01>]
              [--nucleotide-identity-threshold <0.0>]
              [--translated-identity-threshold <Automatically: 50.0 or 80.0, Custom: 0.0-100.0>]
              [--translated-subject-coverage-threshold <50.0>]
              [--nucleotide-subject-coverage-threshold <50.0>]
              [--translated-query-coverage-threshold <90.0>]
              [--nucleotide-query-coverage-threshold <90.0>]
              [--bowtie2 <bowtie2>] [--usearch <usearch>]
              [--rapsearch <rapsearch>] [--diamond <diamond>]
              [--taxonomic-profile <taxonomic_profile.tsv>]
              [--id-mapping <id_mapping.tsv>]
              [--translated-alignment {usearch,rapsearch,diamond}]
              [--xipe {on,off}] [--minpath {on,off}] [--pick-frames {on,off}]
              [--gap-fill {on,off}] [--output-format {tsv,biom}]
              [--output-max-decimals <10>] [--output-basename <sample_name>]
              [--input-format {fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz,sam,bam,blastm8,genetable,biom}]
              [--pathways-database <pathways_database.tsv>]
              [--pathways {metacyc,unipathway}]
              [--memory-use {minimum,maximum}]

HUMAnN : HMP Unified Metabolic Analysis Network 2

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         additional output is printed
  -r, --resume          bypass commands if the output files exist
  --bypass-prescreen    bypass the prescreen step and run on the full ChocoPhlAn database
                        bypass the nucleotide index step and run on the indexed ChocoPhlAn database
                        bypass the translated search step
                        bypass the nucleotide search steps
  -i <input.fastq>, --input <input.fastq>
                        input file of type {fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz,sam,bam,blastm8,genetable,biom} 
  -o <output>, --output <output>
                        directory to write output files
  --nucleotide-database <nucleotide_database>
                        directory containing the nucleotide database
                        [DEFAULT: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/humann/data/chocophlan_DEMO]
  --annotation-gene-index <3>
                        the index of the gene in the sequence annotation
                        [DEFAULT: 3]
  --protein-database <protein_database>
                        directory containing the protein database
                        [DEFAULT: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/humann/data/uniref_DEMO]
  --evalue <1.0>        the evalue threshold to use with the translated search
                        [DEFAULT: 1.0]
  --search-mode {uniref50,uniref90}
                        search for uniref50 or uniref90 gene families
                        [DEFAULT: based on translated database selected]
  --metaphlan <metaphlan>
                        directory containing the MetaPhlAn software
                        [DEFAULT: $PATH]
  --metaphlan-options <metaphlan_options>
                        options to be provided to the MetaPhlAn software
                        [DEFAULT: "-t rel_ab"]
  --diamond-options <diamond_options>
                        options to be provided to the diamond software
                        [DEFAULT: "--top 1 --outfmt 6"]
  --bowtie-options <bowtie_options>
                        options to be provided to the bowtie software
                        [DEFAULT: "--very-sensitive"]
  --o-log <sample.log>  log file
                        [DEFAULT: temp/sample.log]
                        level of messages to display in log
                        [DEFAULT: DEBUG]
  --remove-temp-output  remove temp output files
                        [DEFAULT: temp files are not removed]
  --threads <1>         number of threads/processes
                        [DEFAULT: 1]
  --prescreen-threshold <0.01>
                        minimum percentage of reads matching a species
                        [DEFAULT: 0.01]
  --nucleotide-identity-threshold <0.0>
                        identity threshold for nuclotide alignments
                        [DEFAULT: 0.0]
  --translated-identity-threshold <Automatically: 50.0 or 80.0, Custom: 0.0-100.0>
                        identity threshold for translated alignments
                        [DEFAULT: Tuned automatically (based on uniref mode) unless a custom value is specified]
  --translated-subject-coverage-threshold <50.0>
                        subject coverage threshold for translated alignments
                        [DEFAULT: 50.0]
  --nucleotide-subject-coverage-threshold <50.0>
                        subject coverage threshold for nucleotide alignments
                        [DEFAULT: 50.0]
  --translated-query-coverage-threshold <90.0>
                        query coverage threshold for translated alignments
                        [DEFAULT: 90.0]
  --nucleotide-query-coverage-threshold <90.0>
                        query coverage threshold for nucleotide alignments
                        [DEFAULT: 90.0]
  --bowtie2 <bowtie2>   directory containing the bowtie2 executable
                        [DEFAULT: $PATH]
  --usearch <usearch>   directory containing the usearch executable
                        [DEFAULT: $PATH]
  --rapsearch <rapsearch>
                        directory containing the rapsearch executable
                        [DEFAULT: $PATH]
  --diamond <diamond>   directory containing the diamond executable
                        [DEFAULT: $PATH]
  --taxonomic-profile <taxonomic_profile.tsv>
                        a taxonomic profile (the output file created by metaphlan)
                        [DEFAULT: file will be created]
  --id-mapping <id_mapping.tsv>
                        id mapping file for alignments
                        [DEFAULT: alignment reference used]
  --translated-alignment {usearch,rapsearch,diamond}
                        software to use for translated alignment
                        [DEFAULT: diamond]
  --xipe {on,off}       turn on/off the xipe computation
                        [DEFAULT: off]
  --minpath {on,off}    turn on/off the minpath computation
                        [DEFAULT: on]
  --pick-frames {on,off}
                        turn on/off the pick_frames computation
                        [DEFAULT: off]
  --gap-fill {on,off}   turn on/off the gap fill computation
                        [DEFAULT: on]
  --output-format {tsv,biom}
                        the format of the output files
                        [DEFAULT: tsv]
  --output-max-decimals <10>
                        the number of decimals to output
                        [DEFAULT: 10]
  --output-basename <sample_name>
                        the basename for the output files
                        [DEFAULT: input file basename]
                        remove stratification from output
                        [DEFAULT: output is stratified]
                        remove the description in the output column
                        [DEFAULT: output column includes description]
  --input-format {fastq,fastq.gz,fasta,fasta.gz,sam,bam,blastm8,genetable,biom}
                        the format of the input file
                        [DEFAULT: format identified by software]
  --pathways-database <pathways_database.tsv>
                        mapping file (or files, at most two in a comma-delimited list) to use for pathway computations
                        [DEFAULT: metacyc database ]
  --pathways {metacyc,unipathway}
                        the database to use for pathway computations
                        [DEFAULT: metacyc]
  --memory-use {minimum,maximum}
                        the amount of memory to use
                        [DEFAULT: minimum]