Possible assay outcomes

NameEnterococcus (green)HF183 (amber)IPC (red)Interpretation
Outcome 1 (most likely)

Water sample was NOT contaminated with human or animal feces

Outcome 2 (possible)

Water sample was contaminated with human feces

Outcome 3 (possible)

Water sample was contaminated with feces, but likely from animals rather than humans

Outcome 4 (possible)

IPC (and all assays) failed. Sample needs to be rerun with less input (see below for more info)

Outcome 5 (unlikely)

This would be an unusual result and may require a rerun

Outcome 6 (unlikely)

IPC failed. Sample needs to be rerun with less input (see below for more info)

Outcome 7 (unlikely)

IPC failed. Sample needs to be rerun with less input (see below for more info)

Outcome 8 (unlikely)

IPC failed. Sample needs to be rerun with less input (see below for more info)