- Before starting
- Materials
- PCR Amplify w/ GoTaq Green Master Mix:
- PCR Amplify w/ Q5 Master Mix:
- Cleanup w/ AmpureXP
- QC on purified PCR products
- Submit PCR products for sequencing
- Interpret results
Before starting
- The protocol uses three primers (two forward and one reverse) to generate amplicons for Sanger sequencing. Combining the sequence data for the three amplicons generates a contiguous sequence that spans the majority of the full 16S rRNA gene, thereby giving you a decent idea of bacterial identity. PCR reactions use the GoTaq Master Mix or Q5 Polymerase.
- Extract and quantify bacterial genomic DNA using PureLink DNA protocol, PrepMan Ultra, or other.
- Choice of PCR Master Mix:
- Promega GoTaq Green Master Mix (Thermo M7122, -20C)
- Q5 High Fidelity Master Mix (NEB M0492S, -20C)
- Cross-linked molecular biology grade, nuclease-free water (-20C or RT)
- PCR Primers (IDT, -20C):
- Choice of PCR cleanup:
- Ampure XP Beads (4C, acclimate at RT for 30 min before use) and 100% Ethanol
- MinElute PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen 28004, RT)
- Extract DNA using PureLink DNA protocol (bacterial protocol) or another method of bacterial DNA extraction.
- Quantify DNA using the Qubit.
The original IDT stock solutions of the primers are at a concentration of 100 uM. Create a working concentration of 10 uM by diluting 1:10 in cross-linked nuclease-free water.
Primer Name | Primer Sequence (5’ to 3’) |
PCR Amplify w/ GoTaq Green Master Mix:
Prepare master mixes for 27F-1492R, per sample, as follows:
Component | [Stock] | Volume | [Final] |
GoTaq Green Master Mix | 2X | 25 ul | 1X |
27F Primer | 10 uM | 2 ul | 0.4 uM |
1492R Primer | 10 uM | 2 ul | 0.4 uM |
Cross-linked Molecular Water | NA | 16 ul | NA |
Total Volume | NA | 45 ul | NA |
In a 96-well plate or PCR strip-tube, pipette 45 uL of prepared master mix per sample.
Add 5 uL of extracted DNA template (~150 ng template (< 250 ng)). Each sample will have a total volume of 50 uL.
Place in a thermocycler and run the following program under SANGER folder -> 16SFULLGoTaq
Temp (C) | Time (m:s) | Cycles |
95 | 2:00 | 1 |
95 | 0:30 | 30 |
55 | 0:30 | 30 |
72 | 1:40 | 30 |
72 | 5:00 | 1 |
12 | hold | 1 |
This is a safe stopping point. If you choose to stop here, seal the plate/tubes and store at -20°C for up to 7 days. Alternatively, leave in the thermal cycler overnight.
PCR Amplify w/ Q5 Master Mix:
Prepare master mixes for 27F-1492R, per sample, as follows:
Component | [Stock] | Volume | [Final] |
Q5 Master Mix | 2X | 25 ul | 1X |
27F Primer | 10 uM | 2.5 ul | 0.5 uM |
1492R Primer | 10 uM | 2.5 ul | 0.5 uM |
Cross-linked Molecular Water | NA | 15 ul | NA |
Total Volume | NA | 45 ul | NA |
In a 96-well plate or PCR strip-tube, pipette 45 uL of prepared master mix per sample.
Add 5 uL of extracted DNA template (~150 ng template (< 250 ng)). Each sample will have a total volume of 50 uL.
Place in a thermocycler and run the following program under SANGER folder -> 16SFULLQ5
Temp (C) | Time (m:s) | Cycles |
98 | 0:35 | 1 |
98 | 0:05 | 30 |
55 | 0:10 | 30 |
72 | 0:30 | 30 |
72 | 2:00 | 1 |
12 | hold | 1 |
This is a safe stopping point. If you choose to stop here, seal the plate/tubes and store at -20°C for up to 7 days. Alternatively, leave in the thermal cycler overnight.
Cleanup w/ AmpureXP
Vortex AMPure XP beads before each use. Vortex AMPure XP beads frequently to make sure that beads are evenly distributed.
Add 50 μl of AMPure XP beads to each well.
Pipette to mix around 15 times to ensure the beads are mixed well with PCR products.
Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.
Place on a magnetic stand and wait until the liquid is clear (~2 minutes).
Remove and discard all supernatant from each well.
Keeping the samples on the magnetic stand, wash 2 times as follows:
- Add 180 μl fresh 80% EtOH to each well.
- Incubate on the magnetic stand for 30 seconds.
- Remove and discard all supernatant from each well.
Using a 20 μl pipette, remove residual 80% EtOH from each well.
Let the plate stand on the magnet at RT until dry, usually less than 5 minutes. When dry, the beads will appear matte and cracked.
Remove from the magnetic stand when samples are dry.
Add 25 μl RSB to each well.
Pipette to mix well and resuspend beads.
Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.
Place on a magnetic stand and wait until the liquid is clear (~2 minutes).
Transfer 50 μl supernatant to a new plate.
This is a safe stopping point. If you choose to stop here, seal the plate and store at -20°C for up to 7 days.
QC on purified PCR products
Perform Qubit quantification on all samples
Optional (but encouraged): Select a few samples and run a TapeStation (DNA 5000 tape) to ensure there is a major product at approximately 1400 bp and no primer dimers.
Submit PCR products for sequencing
Follow the submission guide instructions carefully for submitting to the UPenn DNA sequencing facility
Each PCR tube should contain the following:
- 6 uL of PCR product at 25 ng/uL
- 3 uL of 27F, 515F OR 1492R at 1.1 uM
- If your DNA is not sufficiently concentrated, just submit the sample anyway, your results may be fine.
- The sequencing facility suggests 10 ng of DNA per 100 bp.
We typically submit 3 tubes per sample: 27F, 515F, and 1492R. These three sequencing results are used to assemble the 16S gene without gaps.
Use strip tubes with the strip caps for easy removal if you have <52 samples. If you have more than 52 samples, submit your samples in a plate with the HT option.
The first tube of each 8-tube set should have ‘Beiting’ on it and the second tube should have your last name. Label your samples sequentially 1, 2, 3, etc….
Interpret results
- Assemble the sequencing reads using your favorite assembly software. We use Geneious (commercial software) because it has an easy-to-use interface. The .ab1 files for all three amplicons can be dragged onto the Geneious interface and the de novo assembly tool is used to produce a consensus contig.
- Take the highest quality portion of the full-length consensus sequence and search for the best match using either BLAST or a recent tool called Bitsliced Genomic Signature Index (BIGSI) which is available here and you can read more about on the Github page for BIGSI
No database is comprehensive and there’s always bias in what is represented in a database. In addition, since you’re only considering one gene (16S rRNA), this also affects your specificity and resolution for identifying species.